Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Natural Cures For Morning Sickness

Eat or drink ginger~Raw ginger, ginger tea, ginger ale, or even ginger lozenges will help cure morning sickness.

Keep snacks by your bed~Many times morning sickness is caused by having an empty tummy. As soon as you wake up or before you fall asleep, snack on something to alleviate the nausea.

Eat something salty~Eating something salty before a meal may help settle your tummy and may give you the ability to eat more when you didn't have an appetite to begin with.

Peppermint~Peppermint aromatherapy, peppermint lifesavers, or drinking a cup of peppermint tea can help settle your stomach. One idea is to put a drop or two of peppermint essential oils on a handkerchief and carry it in your purse or pocket. That way, you will have it readily on hand when you start feeling nauseous.

Sea bands~Sea bands are acupressure bands that you wear on your wrists. They put a bit of pressure on the pericardium 6 acupressure point, which according to Chinese medicine will relieve morning sickness and even nausea in general.

Increase your Vitamin B6~There is evidence that taking extra vitamin B6 helps to cure morning sickness. You should check with your doctor though before taking extra B6 along with your prenatal vitamin, because you can have numbness and nerve damage if you take too much and it may not be totally safe for the baby in too large of doses. Your doctor can tell you how much to safely take to help cure your morning sickness.

Eat several small meals throughout the day~Eating many small meals throughout the day will ensure that your stomach does not become empty which leads to morning sickness.


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