Monday, February 8, 2010

Increasing Your Fertility The Natural And Healthy Way

Did you know that the causes of infertility is either 50% weak sperm, 35% blocked tubes, or 15% unknown? Have you tried using herbs to increase your fertility? Herbs used to encourage a pregnancy are characterized by their ability to nourish and tonify the uterus, nourish the entire body, relax the nervous system, establish and balance normal functioning of the hormonal system, and balance sexual desire. Here are a list of some helpful herbs that may help you!

Red Clover Flowers~This herb has a high vitamin content and is especially useful for the uterus.

Nettle Leaves~This herb is a uterine tonic and generally nourishes with a special ability to strengthen the kidneys and adrenals.

Red Raspberry Leaves~This herb provides leaves which contain an effective uterine tonic and a large amount of calcium. It is most effective when combined with Red Clover.

Don Quai Root~This herb is known for normalizing your menstrual periods which will give you a more accurate time frame of when you are ovulating every month.

False Unicorn Root~This strong and beneficial herb is known for having an influence on the ovaries, kidney's, and bladder. This herb is also a powerful uterine tonic.

Ovulation is controlled by light. Leave a light on in your bedroom for three nights midway through your menstrual cycle, while all other nights leaving the room dark. You will ovulate when the light is on. Have intercourse during the 3 light nights if you want to conceive. This method is called lunaception. Lunaception combines well with herbs which promote fertility.

My personal experience~I've had an irregular menstrual cycle my whole life which created horrible mood swings. I went to my local herb store to see if I could find an herb that would regulate my cycles. I was recommended Femtrol which contains Vitamin C, Dong Quai Root Extract, Hesperidin, Black Cohosh Root Extract, Chaste Tree Berry Extract, False Unicorn Root Extract, Licorice Root, Rhizome Extract, and Fennel Seed Extract. After taking Femtrol, having a regular cycle for 2 months, and feeling better I fell pregnant with my son in 2008! If you have irregular cycles and are having a hard time conceiving, maybe you should give this a try!

If any of these work for you, please email me your story. I would love to hear about it!


liani said...

Hi Heidi,

Browsing around and landed at your blog. It is a beautiful blog with soft color. I love it. I also write about how aromatherapy can deal with infertility. I hope that will bring more source to this article. please check it out at;


Unknown said...

I started this pills because my friend recommended she was having problems to conceive and with period after nine years trying and having 2 miscarriage she finally get pregnant after 3 weeks taking this product. In my case I took femtrol and also citrate of clomiphene and I was able to conceived my first baby after 11 years trying. I recommend this product also is important to pray to God everything is possible in he's name.

Jones Hill said...

Thanks for sharing this informative information about organic dong quai root powder with us. It's very helpful. Keep it up!

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