Saturday, October 17, 2009

Useful Tips for Peaceful Nights

There are 2 ways to get your baby sleeping thru the night. 1. The Cry-to-sleep solution or 2. The No-cry-to-sleep solution. My son was waking up frequently thru the night so I found 2 different books that I recommend everyone to read. "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo and Roberty Bucknam is a book that I think would work well if your willing to let your child cry himself to sleep. The book I followed is called "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley which is where you soothe your baby to sleep. Both books provide a great source of information. Here are helpful hints to help your baby sleep peacefully thru the night:

~Establish a firm night routine that happens at the same time every night (Typically an hour before your child goes to sleep). This will involve dinner, a bath (you don't have to use soap every night, as it could dry out your baby's skin), a massage with organic lotion, putting on comfy pajamas, a bedtime story, a prayer, lights out, rocking, nursing, soothing, sleep. This will help provide security and send a message to your child's brain that bedtime is approaching.

~Avoid stimulating activies before bed such as watching TV, playing with toys, or rough housing.

~Avoid stimulants such as caffiene, sugar, soda, candy, desserts, etc.

~Use a dim lamp or a night light for your child's room if they are afraid of the dark.

~Make use of gentle natural remedies to promote healthy sleep habits and night time harmony for your child.


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